Vijaya Corals : 1(800)711-1033

JAPANESE BEADS : New Popular Colors of 2007- NOW ON SALE

BEST QUALITY. ALL Short Hanks-$5.00; ALL Long hanks-$15.

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Long Hanks-Black,PeachCoral, Met.Gray, Luster Maroon, Pink, MultiRed and - Gold LONG $45 and others $15each Pic#1

Long Japanese beads- $15 each hank.Metallic long hanks- Pic#2.

Short Pastal Beads - Peacock Green, Pink, Chalk white, Tr.Gray, Off white, Pastel Blue, Lemon Green, Tr.Topaz and Met.Copper - All for $5 each, except copper for $6-Pic#3

20 Colors of short hanks
1-Yellow,2-Tr.Red,3-Parrot Green,4-RoyalBlue,5-Pearly White,6-Ruby Red,7-Mauve/amathyst,8-Black,9-Tq.Blue,10-Met.Copper,11-R.Red,12-Snuff,13-Coral Red,14-Sea Blue,15-Baby Blue,16-Opec Grey,17-Brick Brown,18-Met.Grey,19-Peach Coral,20-Tr.Amathyst-Pic#4.NOW ON SALE FOR $5.00

Long Japanese beads. Pic#5.NOW ON SALE FOR $15

Long J.Beads (MultiBlue,Multi Red, Teal Green,Ruby Red,Cobalt Blue,Off-white-$15per hank. Small Turquoise $5 per hank.NOW ON SALE FOR $15 & $ 5.00